LTH Journal


LTH Journal was inspired after reading several investing books. One Up Wall Street from Peter Lynch was the book that made me start a journal.

The book Thinking Fast and Slow from Daniel Kahneman inspired me to journal my trades and defense them against my future me. To be able to detect and overcome my bias.

The idea of LTH Journal is to journal all your decisions and be able to later on check your thoughts during the period you did them.

This tool was created for personal use and later published.

Trades are symbolic and want to reflect your true trades on your current broker.

You can keep track of your performance and always check back to see what was you thinking when performing the trades.


You can add companies without requiring to trade. The importance after all is to have a strong understanding of the company and the hostile environment that it is around.

News will eventually hit any stock, individually or more globally on the whole market, but being able to take a good decisions is what matters at the end of day.

By being well-informed and doing your proper due diligence, you will be able to take better decisions.


Technologies used:

PHP, Symfony, python, MYSQL

Books are knowledge and knowledge is power.

After ending my studies, I always tried to dedicate some time to books. They helped me a lot and I want to dedicate a little space here as a greeting. From basics on different languages to more advanced level.